Obesity, diabetes and a very common form of peripheral neuropathy are very closely linked. Neuropathy and diabetes are both much more common now a days, and showing up in younger ages than ever before in our modern world.
Food supply is a doubled edged sword. As little as 50 years ago, foods in some areas of the modern world were in short supply. Modern food processing and even food “manufacturing” has changed all that.
Food itself is far more plentiful for most people than at any time in our history. And that unfortunately has created lots of problems.
Along with supply, has come a huge increase in the “density” of calories. A calorie is a simple measure of energy potential in what we eat and drink. An average healthy person may only need around 2000 calories per day. But the problem is, its possible to eat (very easily) way more than that, even in 1 meal! Yikes!
So, this means that a cup of a processed food for example can have 3 times the calories and fewer nutrients than a cup of say steamed vegetables, or even lean protein.
And consume these foods long enough before you know it you’ve packed on 20, 40, 60 or more pounds and neuropathy, diabetes and heart disease can and often do result.

Recently, there has been a wave of politicians attempting to legislate better health habits. What a theft of personal choice that is! If enough adults stopped buying crap, we wouldn't have to worry about legislating it away.
Aren’t we big boys and girls anymore? Can we still teach our kids right from wrong? Behavior has consequences!
Real empowerment in neuropathy or any disease comes from the choices you and I make every day. Keep it simple and inexpensive and teach your children the same way.
I’m about adults practicing what’s best and teaching our children better personal choices every day!
How about you?